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Rear Admiral Monty Khanna, AVSM, NM (Retd) was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 01 January 83. He won the `Best Naval Cadet’ award and Midshipman `Sword of Honour’ during his formative years. His afloat commands include the submarine Sindhuvijay and the Frigates Krishna and Gomati. He was also the Naval Attaché at the Embassy of India, Washington D.C. On promotion to Flag Rank, he served as the Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Foreign Co-operation & Intelligence), Commandant of the Naval War College and Chief Instructor, Defence Services Staff College from where he retired in August 19. He subsequently served as the Assistant Military Adviser at the National Security Council Secretariat till December 23. He is a graduate of the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington and Naval War College, Newport.