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Lieutenant General Mohinder Puri, PVSM, UYSM (Retd) was
commissioned into the Fifth Battalion of the Third Gorkha Rifles in
June 1966. He commanded his battalion in Mizoram and later
an infantry brigade in the Akhnoor sector of J&K. In his
command of the famous 8 Mountain Division, his formation
spearheaded the Army’s offensive in the Drass – Mushko Sector and
restored the sanctity of the LC by capturing Tololing, Tiger Hill
and Point 4875 which became household names during the war.
Later he commanded a Corps in the Punjab-Rajasthan sector.
Before superannuation, he was the Military Secretary and side
stepped as Deputy Chief of the Army Staff. He has authored
the book Kargil : Turning the Tide and is an eminent motivational speaker.