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Lieutenant General Y K Joshi, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VrC,
SM (Retd) was commissioned into 13 JAK RIF in 1982. In
1999, during Operation Vijay, he was promoted to Lieutenant
Colonel in the war zone and given command of 13 JAK RIF. For
its exceptional performance in battle, 13 JAK RIF was awarded
the Chief of Army Staff Citation and conferred with the title of
the “Bravest of the Braves.” As the Northern Army
Commander, he spearheaded the Indian response after clashes with
the Chinese troops during Operation Snow Leopard. The Indian
Army launched Quid Pro Quo operations, and forced the PLA to
disengage in the Pangong Tso area. He has served in Military
Operations Directorate in Army HQ in various capacities
handling the insurgency in North Eastern States, and China and
Pakistan affairs. He speaks Mandarin and is considered a China
expert having served as the Defence Attache in Beijing, China for
three years. Currently he is the Director General of the Centre for
Contemporary China Studies and is a motivational speaker
relating his experience of Army to day to day life lessons.