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Major General SS Deusi, VSM was commissioned into
18 MARATHA LI on 09 June 84. He commanded
the unit in Counter Insurgency operations in J&K and
in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The unit played a
stellar role in carrying out rescue and relief operations
when the Tsunami struck the islands on 26 December
2004. The officer commanded an infantry brigade in the
semi-desert sector and a mountain division in North
Sikkim during the Doklam Crisis. He retired as
ADG Assam Rifles in September 21 after two years
tenure at the Army War College, Mhow. He is settled
at Mhow and is actively involved in developing military
leadership and management of national security. He is
an active fellow of the Mhow Analysis and Research
Society, a Mhow based think tank