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Major General V K Shrivastava, VSM (Retd), an alumnus of
the National Defence Academy, Pune, was commissioned in
1962 into the Rajputana Rifles. He was in J&K during the
Indo-Pakistan conflict of 1965 and was in Bangladesh in the
1971 war. A graduate of the Defence Services Staff College,
Wellington, he also attended the prestigious National Defence
College, New Delhi. He has held a number of coveted command,
staff and instructional appointments. Post-retirement in 1998,
he had a short stint as the Executive Editor of the Indian
Defence Review before joining the Institute for Defence Studies
and Analyses, New Delhi, as a Senior Fellow. From there he led
many delegations for interactions with think tanks abroad and
was also a member of the Indian team invited by the National
Defence University, USA, for strategic dialogue. He has written
researched text for four coffee table books, has a published
monograph on China, a prize-winning essay, and a number of
articles on matters military to his credit. He has authored
"Manthan: Multifaceted Reflections on the Indian Armed
Forces", which was released in February 2021. His second book,
"Arms and the Woman: The Shattered Glass Ceiling" was
released in October 2022'.